Download, install, and update the mobile app

Download and install the Skedulo Plus mobile app.

Apple iPhone (iOS) installation

Apple iPhone or iPad users can download the Skedulo Plus app from the Apple App Store.

Android installation

Android users can download the Skedulo Plus app from the Google Play Store.

If you experience any issues installing the Skedulo Plus mobile app, please contact your Skedulo Administrator or scheduling contact.

Switching between Skedulo v2 mobile app and Skedulo Plus app

If you are experiencing issues that impact your ability to work while using the Skedulo Plus mobile app, please report the issue to Skedulo by tapping More -> Feedback & Support.  

You must log out of the Skedulo Plus app before attempting to log back into the Skedulo app.

Users should not be logged in to both versions of the app at the same time as this may cause confusion with notifications and updates.

Updrade to the latest Skedulo Plus mobile app version

When a new version of the Skedulo Plus mobile app is available, you will recieve a prompt to upgrade on the agenda screen when you log in.

Update notification on the Skedulo Plus mobile app

When the prompt displays, do one of the following:

  • To update to the latest version of the app, tap Update now. You will be redirected to the Apple App Store or Google Play to complete the update.
  • To delay updating to another time, tap Later or tap outside the notification to dismiss it.

The notification appears once daily until you update. After dismissing the prompt five times, the Later option is removed; however, you can still tap outside the notification to dismiss it. We recommend updating to the latest version of the app when it is available so that you have access to the latest features and functionality.