View job details

View and interact with a job in the Skedulo Plus mobile app.


To view and interact with a job in the Skedulo mobile application, tap on the job you want to view on the Agenda.

Job details screen layout

The job screen provides all of the information required to perform the following actions:

  • View a job’s time and location.
  • Update the job status.
  • Resource details.
  • Job contact details.
  • Add notes.
  • Check off a task list.
  • Signatures and attachments.

Job details

By default, the job details screen displays a map with the job location, salient information about the job, and any actions that can be performed. There may also be notes, forms, and other functionality, depending on how your system has been configured.

Administrators can configure the fields that are displayed at the top of the job details screen. See the mobile settings documentation for more information.


The screenshot above displays the following information:

  • Map with job location pin
  • Job description (The job description field can be up to 255 characters long) - In home assessment
  • Date and time scheduled (including timezone)
  • Job type - Home Visit
  • Account and account contact - Skedulo Brisbane / Karen Contact.
  • Address
  • Job status - Dispatched
  • Urgency - Normal
  • Job number - JOB-2037 (system generated)

Update the job status

When a job has been dispatched, you can open the job details screen and tap to either Accept or Decline the job.

If you accept the job, you can use the same button to update the job status as you progress. The standard workflow is:

  • Accept Job - Accept the assigned job.
  • Start Travel - Start travel to the job address. The job status changes to En Route after you select a travel and navigation option.
  • Check In - Arrive on-site at the job location.
  • In Progress - Start the job.
  • Complete Job - When the job is finished.

Job actions

The Actions button becomes available after a job has been accepted by a resource.


The following job actions are available:

  • Cancel job
  • Completion notes (If enabled; see the settings documentation for more information.)
  • Navigate to address

When a job has been completed, only the Completion notes action is available.

Travel and navigation

The Travel & Navigation options menu pops up from the bottom of the job details screen when you tap Start Travel.


  • Skip Navigation - Tap this option to start traveling to the job without using any map navigation. This option will still track travel to the job in the background.  
  • Navigate with maps - Tap this option to open Google Maps and begin navigating to the job location.