Field types


In addition to the primitive data types, the API defines the following data types for fields. To learn more about creating custom fields see create custom objects and fields.

Field types

Field Type Description
Text Standard text field up to 255 characters in length.
Text area (long) Long text field allowing line breaks and up to 131,072 characters in length.
Decimal Numeric field with decimal points.
Integer Numeric field without decimal points.
Date Fields of this type contain date values. Unlike dateTime fields, date fields contain no time value—the time portion of a date field. For more information on the format of DateTime fields see valid date and datetime formats.
Date time Date/time values (timestamps). Fields of this type handle date/time values (timestamps). DateTime fields are full timestamps with a precision of one second. For more information on the format of DateTime fields see valid date and datetime formats.
Time Time values without a time-zone.
Checkbox Checkbox that can be selected (true) or deselected (false).
Picklist Picklists, which include a set of enumerated values from which one value can be selected Picklists are represented as String values.
Multiselect Picklist Ability to select one or more values from a pre-defined list of options. Multipicklists are represented as arrays of String values.
URL URL fields contain URLs. Client applications are responsible for specifying valid and properly formatted URLs during create and update graphQL mutations.
Geolocation Lat, Long pair of BigDecimals.
Lookup Cross-references to a different object.
HasMany Relationship to many records