Create custom objects in Salesforce

How to add data objects in Skedulo for Salesforce.

You can create custom objects and fields in Salesforce for your Skedulo managed package to include information and data beyond the defaults provided by Skedulo.

Custom objects are often required by users wanting to create custom web extensions to display data or create custom interfaces for their organization.

This section uses the hypothetical Vaccine and Supply custom objects as an example to walk through the following steps:

You must be logged in as an Administrator user or a user with the required permissions to create custom objects and fields.

Create a custom object in the Salesforce managed package

To create a custom object, do the following:

  1. Open the Skedulo managed application in Salesforce.
  2. Click the Settings cog in the upper-right corner and then click Setup.
  3. From the menu bar on the left, navigate to Platform Tools > Objects and Fields > Object Manager.
  4. Click Create in the upper-right corner, then click Custom Object.
  5. Type Vaccine into the Label field, then type Vaccines into the Plural Label field. The Object Name and Record Name fields are pre-populated from the Label field, but can be edited.
  6. Click Save.

Note that after you create custom objects in your Skedulo managed package in Salesforce, you must map the custom objects and fields in your Skedulo web application. Mapping objects and fields in your web application adds your custom objects and fields to the GraphQL schema, which is required for generating custom web extensions.