Skedulo API user

Skedulo uses the credentials of the active logged in user in the web and mobile apps when possible. However, Skedulo requires an API user for a number of background processing events, such as:

  • Keeping the web app up to date when objects are updated.
  • Supporting some SMS reply functionality.
  • Summarizing certain data gathering from tracking events.

For Skedulo customers, this can be any user. Skedulo tenants use the system user as their API user when one is not explicitly set.

For Skedulo for Salesforce customers, this can be any user with a Salesforce license that has at least the following permissions:

  • Skedulo Base permission set.
  • Modify All for Job and Job Allocation for SMS replies.
  • View All for the PlatformEvent object.

You can configure the API user in the Skedulo web application in the Settings menu.

For more information about the API user, see Admin Settings: API User.