
About Skedulo

Skedulo is the solution for intelligent mobile workforce management. Skedulo helps enterprises and mid-market companies intelligently manage, schedule, dispatch, and support mobile workers on the go, whether they are full-time, part-time, or contract employees.

With Skedulo, enterprises dramatically improve customer experience, increase organizational efficiency, empower their employees, and unify their tech stacks to move trustworthy data across the organization with ease.

About this documentation

The Skedulo developer documentation will familiarize you with the objects library and terminology used by Skedulo and help you integrate your applications using the Skedulo API.

Skedulo supports REST API and GraphQL for remote querying and requests by authenticated users. To help you get started with GraphQL and the Skedulo schema, the GraphiQL web extension is included in the Skedulo web app, and can be enabled easily through developer tools.

See the API reference documentation for a list of available API endpoints and authentication requirements.

Additional resources and tutorials can be found in our Developer blog.

Other documentation

Where to begin

Run through our Quickstart guide to get started with creating jobs, resources, and regions. It is designed to get you familiar with the GraphQL query language and making basic API requests.