Deprecated: Get started with libraries

The generated library using Skedulo SDK (Deprecated).

You can start develop Skedulo library within a package using the Skedulo Packages SDK.

  1. Create a new package or open an existing one in the Skedulo SDK. See Skedulo packages for more information.
  2. In the SDK package project, click Add Library.
  3. Provide the Name and Description of your library, then click Create Library Project. Library details
  4. In the SDK package, click Develop on the library project to open the developer environment.
  5. Click Bootstrap to add any dependencies and validate the library.
  6. Click Start Development to start developing the library. Library development

queries.graphql file

The queries.graphql file is located in the library project’s source (/src/queries) folder. This file contains all the queries for graphql execution.

query fetchJobsWithJobProducts($filter: EQLQueryFilterJobs!) {
    jobs(filter: $filter) {
        edges {
            node {
                JobProducts {

query fetchProducts($orderBy: EQLOrderByClauseProducts, $filter: EQLQueryFilterProducts, $offset: NonNegativeInt) {
    page: products(orderBy: $orderBy, filter: $filter, offset: $offset) {
        edges {
            node {

graphql.ts file

The graphql.ts file is located in the library project’s source (/src/__graphql) folder. This file contains all the type definitions that Skedulo exports for function and view to use.

For example, we want to export the type for a new Job Product or a new Job Offer:

export interface NewJobOffers {
  CreatedByResource?: Maybe<boolean>;

  JobId: string;

  ResourceRequirementId?: Maybe<string>;

  Status?: Maybe<OfferStatus>;

export interface NewJobProducts {
  JobId: string;

  ProductId?: Maybe<string>;

  Qty: number;

index.ts file

So, the default library exports the DocumentNode for graphql, converts types representing data available in queries and generates raw types for other module use.

// Converted types representing data available in queries
export { JobProduct, Product, JobProductsManagedData, JobProductCacheData, JobProductsUnmanagedData } from './custom-types'

// Documents for execution
export { fetchJobsWithJobProducts, fetchProducts } from './queries/queries.graphql'

// Raw generated types for other use (raw schema types from server)
export { JobProducts, NewJobProducts, UpdateJobProducts, FetchJobsWithJobProducts, FetchProducts } from './__graphql/graphql'