Get started with Skedulo Plus extensions

Learn how to get started with Skedulo Plus extensions.

Get started with Skedulo Plus extensions

Download the Skedulo Plus examples repository to get started with Skedulo Plus extensions.

Install the Skedulo CLI for mobile extensions

Install dependencies and tools for creating Skedulo Plus extensions.

Set Skedulo Plus extension context and metadata

Configure the context and metadata for a Skedulo Plus extension to display the extension on the job details screen or as a global form for all resource users in your team.

Change the extension title and summary

Modify the UI definition to change the title and description fields of your Skedulo Plus extension.

Create forms that only work when users are online

How to create online-mode extensions for Skedulo Plus.

Use the Skedulo CLI to upload and manage your Skedulo Plus extension

Use the Skedulo CLI to deploy, modify, or delete your Skedulo Plus extension.

Skedulo Plus extensions validation rules

How to add validation to your mobile extensions.