Use the Skedulo CLI to upload and manage your Skedulo Plus extension

Use the Skedulo CLI to deploy, modify, or delete your Skedulo Plus extension.


The Skedulo CLI provides a set of commands to help you build and publish your Skedulo Plus mobile extension. This section provides instructions for using the Skedulo CLI to publish your mobile extension.

This guide assumes you have already downloaded and installed the Skedulo CLI as described in Install the Skedulo CLI for mobile extensions, and you have logged in to your Skedulo team using the CLI.

You should also have the Skedulo Plus examples repository cloned to your local machine.

Use the mobile extensions artifact to publish your extension

When you have logged in to your Skedulo team, you can use the artifacts command to publish your extension.

The artifact relies on the MobileExtension.json file in the root of the repository for instructions on how to handle the mobile extension.

  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the root folder of your Skedulo Plus mobile extension.

    This example uses the Hello World extension template from the Skedulo Plus examples repository.

  2. Run the following command to publish your extension to your Skedulo team:

    sked artifacts mobile-extension create -f HelloWorld.MobileExtension.json

    Replace with value in -f with the appropriate folder if you wish to deploy a different extension.

The terminal will display the progress of the upload and confirm when it is complete.

Open the Skedulo Plus app and pull to refresh to view the extension.

Update your Skedulo Plus extension

If you have already published your Skedulo Plus mobile extension and you want to update it, you can use the CLI to download the extension, make your changes, and then upload the updated extension.

  1. To retrieve(GET) the extension from your team environment, run the following command:

    sked artifacts mobile-extension get -o ./HelloWorld --defId HelloWorld

    Replace with value in -o with the folder you wish to store the extension in. Change the value of --defId to retrieve a different extension.

  2. Open the extension in your preferred IDE or text editor and make your changes.

  3. Run the following command to upload the updated extension:

    sked artifacts mobile-extension update --defId HelloWorld -f HelloWorld.MobileExtension.json

The terminal will display the progress of the upload and the URL of the artifact.

Open the Skedulo Plus app and pull to refresh to view the updated extension.

Delete your Skedulo Plus extension

Run the following command to delete the extension. Replace with value in --defId with the appropriate definition ID if you wish to delete a different extension.

sked artifacts mobile-extension delete --defId HelloWorld