Introduction to Skedulo Plus extensions


Skedulo Plus extensions provide a mobile customization layer that extends the Skedulo Plus mobile app to meet the needs of your organization. Skedulo Plus extensions allow you to create custom mobile pages that can be used to capture data, display information, and perform actions.

Mobile extensions use a template-driven framework to compose custom mobile pages coupled with a UI component library. This provides a native experience, allowing you to build extensions that look and feel just like the core Skedulo Plus mobile app.

Extensions have been redesigned with an offline-first architecture to provide better performance and stability than previous versions.

Mobile extensions architecture

Skedulo Plus extensions are built using a template comprised of business logic and data files, a UI definition file, static data or image files, and language files used for localization.

This template is then compiled by the mobile extension engine and uploaded to the core Skedulo Plus mobile app.

Skedulo Plus extensions architecture

Mobile extensions templates

The mobile extensions templates are a collection of files that define the business logic, data, and UI components for your extension. You can customize or copy templates to create your own extensions. Extensions are compiled by the mobile extension engine and uploaded to the core Skedulo Plus mobile app.

You can download a sample template from the Skedulo Plus examples GitHub repository to get started.

This documentation uses the Job Products form available in the GitHub repository as an example. You can use this, or any of the more complex forms in the repository, as a template to build your own extensions.

Mobile UI component library

Skedulo Plus extensions leverage a comprehensive set of pre-built components that integrate seamlessly with the core Skedulo Plus mobile app.

The mobile UI component library is a collection of two types of components: