
A container of components that is used to group data into regions on a flat page.


The flat page section is designed to group components on a flat page. A flat page can include multiple sections; each containing one or more page components.

A section can include a title, body, and caption text fields that render at the top of the section.

Section component example

The following example shows two sections on a flat page in the UI Components Showcase form in the Skedulo Plus examples repository:

A screen shot demonstrating the section component

Section component properties

Property Description Type
Common flat page editor components Common properties in Flat components.
title The title of the section. Localized string
body The body of the section. Localized string
caption The caption of the section. Localized string
items The list of flat page components that are rendered inside the section component. Array of localizable strings

Example configuration

The following example demonstrates how the sections in the screenshot from the UI Components Showcase example form above is configured in the ui_def.json file.


    "type": "section",
    "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SectionTitle",
    "body": "form.ShowCasePage.SectionBody",
    "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.SectionCaption",
    "items": [
        "type": "textEditor",
        "valueExpression": "pageData.SingleLineText",
        "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SingleLineText",
        "placeholder": "form.ShowCasePage.SingleLineTextHint",
        "validator": [],
        "features": {
        "useBarcodeAndQRScanner": true
        "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint",
        "readonly": "pageData.Disabled"
        "type": "textEditor",
        "valueExpression": "pageData.MultilineText",
        "title": "form.ShowCasePage.MultilineText",
        "placeholder": "form.ShowCasePage.MultilineTextHint",
        "multiline": true,
        "readonly": "pageData.Disabled",
        "validator": [
            "type": "expression",
            "errorMessage": "form.ShowCasePage.MultiLineTextValidationHint",
            "expression": "pageData.MultilineText && pageData.MultilineText.length > 0 && pageData.MultilineText.length <= 30"
        "features": {
        "useBarcodeAndQRScanner": true
        "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint"
    "type": "section",
    "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectorSection",
    "items": [
        "type": "selectEditor",
        "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProduct",
        "structureExpression": "pageData.Product",
        "valueExpression": "pageData.ProductId",
        "sourceExpression": "sharedData.Products",
        "displayExpression": "pageData.Product.Name",
        "placeholder": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductHint",
        "readonly": "pageData.Disabled",
        "selectPage": {
        "itemTitle": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductItemTitle",
        "emptyText": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductEmpty",
        "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductTitle",
        "searchBar": {
            "filterOnProperties": [
        "validator": [
            "type": "expression",
            "expression": "pageData.ProductId",
            "errorMessage": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductValidation"
        "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint"
        "type": "selectEditor",
        "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductOnline",
        "structureExpression": "pageData.Product",
        "valueExpression": "pageData.ProductId",
        "sourceExpression": "sharedData.Products",
        "displayExpression": "pageData.Product.Name",
        "placeholder": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductHint",
        "readonly": "pageData.Disabled",
        "onlineSource": {
        "key": "Products",
        "variables": {
        "selectPage": {
        "itemTitle": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductItemTitle",
        "emptyText": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductEmpty",
        "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductTitle",
        "searchBar": {
            "filterOnProperties": [
        "validator": [
            "type": "expression",
            "expression": "pageData.ProductId",
            "errorMessage": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductValidation"
        "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint"

Localized strings

The corresponding localized strings in the /static_resources/locales/en.json file are:

  "forms": {
    "ShowCasePage": {
        "Title": "UI Components",
        "SectionTitle": "Title of a section",
        "SectionBody": "Body of a section.",
        "SectionCaption": "Caption of a section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.",
        "SingleLineText": "Title of Editor",
        "SingleLineTextHint": "Placeholder of text editor",
        "EditorHint": "Hint for editor",
        "MultilineText": "Title of Editor",
        "MultilineTextHint": "Placeholder of text editor",
        "MultiLineTextValidationHint": "This field is required and the length can't exceed 30",
        "SelectorSection": "Selector Components",
        "SelectProduct": "Selector Title",
        "SelectProductOnline": "Selector Title (Online)",
        "SelectProductValidation": "Validation message",
        "SelectProductHint": "Selector Hint",
        "SelectProductItemTitle": "${item.Name}",