Text editor

Configure text editor page components for flat page components.


The textEditor component is used to render a text editor field that allows users to enter text or number data in a Skedulo Plus extension flat page.

Text editor components can be both single-line and multi-line text fields. The following example demonstrates how the text editor component appears in the UI Components Showcase example form.

Text editor component


Property Description
Common flat page editor components properties Common properties in Flat page components.
multiline A boolean value that determines whether the text editor is a single-line or multi-line text field.
* If true, the text editor expands when typing longer texts.
* If false, the text editor is a single-line text field.
The default value is false.
keyboardType * undefined - The default keyboard.
* number-pad - Shows the keyboard number pad.
If the keyboardType is number-pad, the data value type will always be a number rather than a string, for example, 5 instead of "5".
* phone-pad - Shows the keyboard for phone number input.
* email-address - Shows the keyboard for email input.
valueExpression The data binding expression that defines the data context.
placeholder The placeholder text that is a hint or description shown inside the text field before the user enters a value.
features.useBarcodeAndQRScanner A boolean value that determines whether the barcode and QR scanner is enabled for the text editor field.
The default value is false.


The following example demonstrates how the textEditor component in the example above is configured in the ui_def.json file of the UI Components Showcase example.

The validation logic for the field is also defined in the validator property, which states that the number entered must be greater than 0 and less than 30.


    "type": "textEditor",
    "valueExpression": "pageData.SingleLineText",
    "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SingleLineText",
    "placeholder": "form.ShowCasePage.SingleLineTextHint",
    "validator": [],
    "features": {
    "useBarcodeAndQRScanner": true
    "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint",
    "readonly": "pageData.Disabled"
    "type": "textEditor",
    "valueExpression": "pageData.MultilineText",
    "title": "form.ShowCasePage.MultilineText",
    "placeholder": "form.ShowCasePage.MultilineTextHint",
    "multiline": true,
    "readonly": "pageData.Disabled",
    "validator": [
        "type": "expression",
        "errorMessage": "form.ShowCasePage.MultiLineTextValidationHint",
        "expression": "pageData.MultilineText && pageData.MultilineText.length > 0 && pageData.MultilineText.length <= 30"
    "features": {
        "useBarcodeAndQRScanner": true
    "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint"


The corresponding localized strings in the /static_resources/locales/en.json file are:

  "forms": {
    "ShowCasePage": {
      "SingleLineText": "Title of Editor",
      "SingleLineTextHint": "Placeholder of text editor",
      "MultilineText": "Title of Editor",
      "MultilineTextHint": "Placeholder of text editor",
      "MultiLineTextValidationHint": "This field is required and the length can't exceed 30",
      "EditorHint": "Hint for editor",