Error codes

A list of error codes you might encounter when creating or customizing pages.

This article contains the error codes you can encounter in the Skedulo Pulse Platform and their meanings.


Code Meaning
unknown An unknown error has occurred.
Usually, these codes are used when we haven’t yet implemented error codes in the given area.
If found, please make a point of setting a specific error code if possible.

UI Crud

Code Variances Meaning
XNotFound DataSchemaNotFound
The given configuration/document does not exist.
XKeyAlreadyExists DataSchemaKeyAlreadyExists
The unique key/constraint for the given configuration/document already exists within the given namespace.
XForeignKeyViolation TemplateForeignKeyViolation Configuration cannot be deleted or updated due to an existing or missing reference from another table.


Code Meaning
UnknownBulkAction The bulk action specified doesn’t exist.
AccessDenied You do not have permission to perform the given action.
More information can be found in the error message.
InvalidReferenceId Returned during data validation when validating a reference field but the given record ID is missing/blank.
FieldNotUnique Returned during data validation when checking if a field is unique but a duplicate is found.
MissingIdentifier Returned from GET endpoints when you haven’t provided enough information.
OwnershipMismatch Returns from PageTemplate endpoints when you try to relate a page and template that do not have the same ownership information.
KafkaConsumptionFailed Something went wrong during the consumption of a Kafka message.

Query API

Code Meaning
CustomRequestFailed Something went wrong when sending the custom datasource request.
This could mean a part of your resource configuration is wrong.
CustomRequestTimeout The custom datasource request did not return a result within the allocated time.
CustomResponseMappingFailed Something went wrong when mapping the response from the custom datasource.
This usually means a part of your resource configuration is wrong.
ElasticSearchRequestFailed Something went wrong when sending the elasticsearch datasource request.
This could mean a part of your resource configuration is wrong.
GetAllTenantMetadataFailed Returned from the MetadataClient when we are unable to get a list of all objects/metadata from the custom/metadata Skedulo API.
GetCustomDataSchemaFailed Something went wrong when getting the data-schema for a custom resource.
This suggests something is wrong with the resource configuration.
GetGraphQLDataSchemaFailed Something went wrong when getting the data-schema for a graphql resource.
This suggests either:
1. Something is wrong with the resource configuration.
2. The environment is out of sync with the core Skedulo data model.
3. The request was made using a token that belongs to an incorrect tenant.
GetObjectMetadataFailed Returned from the MetadataClient when we are unable to get a list of object fields/metadata from the custom/metadata/{mapping} Skedulo API.
GraphQLRequestFailed Something went wrong when sending the graphql datasource request.
This could mean a part of your resource configuration is wrong.
GraphQLRequestTimeout The graphql datasource request did not return a result within the allocated time.
InvalidFilter The lucene parser was able to parse the given query, but one of the filters given within it is invalid in some way.
LuceneParsingFailed Returned from the Lucene parser when something goes wrong.
This could mean that:
1. You have given an invalid query string.
2. Something went wrong internally.
LuceneResolutionFailed Returned from the Lucene resolver when something goes wrong.
This typically means either:
1. There is an invalid relationship configuration.
2. The lucene filter is invalid.
3. Something went wrong resolving the nested relationships.
RecordNotFound Returned from the getObject endpoint when the given record ID is not found.
QueryMultipleExecutionFailed Something went wrong while querying a list of records.
The error could not be any more specific.
QuerySingleExecutionFailed Something went wrong while querying a single record.
The error could not be any more specific.
ValidationFailed Returned from the createObject and updateObject endpoints when the given record data fails validation.
KafkaConsumptionFailed Something went wrong during the consumption of a Kafka message.

UI Framework

Code Meaning
TemplateRenderFailed Something went wrong in the Nunjucks environment when parsing a template.
This could be a template syntax error, or another issue caused template parsing to fail.
DataTableInvalidList Something went wrong trying to get the list of cells for a column in the data table.
DataTableMissingSchema The Data Table in a List View could not be rendered because the columns Data Schema is missing.
ReflectiveTabsInvalidTabsList A malformed tab list was supplied to the reflective tabs component.