Skedulo SDK deprecation notice

Timeline and impact of end of support plans for the SDK.

The Skedulo SDK is being deprecated. After careful consideration, the decision has been made to discontinue support for this tool.

When is support ending?

  • 18 March 2025: The Skedulo SDK will no longer be available to download and deprecation notices will be placed on all documentation.

  • 30 May 2025: All references to Skedulo SDK will be removed from documentation.

  • 1 Aug 2025: The ability to maintain connected functions via the SDK will no longer be supported.

Alternative solution

We encourage all developers to transition to the Skedulo CLI for maintaining solutions for the Skedulo Platform. For more details on how to use the Skedulo CLI, please see: Introduction to the Skedulo CLI.

Please note that the Skedulo CLI does not support the ability to develop custom forms for the Skedulo V2 mobile app. Please see the section that follows for guidance on this topic.

Impact on Skedulo V2 mobile app extensions for custom forms

If you are a developer using the Skedulo SDK to maintain custom forms for the V2 mobile app, we encourage you to do the following:

There is no immediate impact if your custom forms are implemented and maintained by Skedulo Professional Services, as they will continue to have access to the Skedulo SDK whilst the V2 mobile app and forms are supported.

Thank you for your understanding. For any questions or assistance during this transition, please contact our support team.