Enable Auto-update Geolocation


The geolocation fields for the following objects Job, Activity, Resource, and Location can be automatically populated and updated when the Address field is changed.


You need a Salesforce user to act as the integration user. This user should:

  • Have permission to perform any necessary action in Salesforce on behalf of normal users.

  • Have Skedulo Scheduler permission set assigned.

  • Have value Administrator in the field skeduloUserType of its user record.

You must also have a Skedulo API token configured in your Salesforce org. See how to configure a Skedulo API token in Skedulo for Salesforce for more information.

Enable geocoding for objects

Using Salesforce CRM:

  1. Open Setup.

  2. Search for Custom Settings.

  3. For Preferences, click on Manage.

  4. The following four records correspond to the objects to enabled geocode auto-update. Edit the desired records and change the Set field to be true (checked):

    1. activityGeolocation.

    2. jobGeolocation.

    3. locationGeolocation.

    4. resourceGeolocation.

  5. Save any changes.

Locating the custom settings for preferences in Salesforce.

Locating the custom settings for preferences in Salesforce.

Setting a preference active.

Setting a preference active.