Invalid request error - ip restricted


“Houston we have a problem. An unexpected error happened, you will be redirected back to the login page in 10 seconds. Error: invalid_request - ip restricted” may appear when you attempt to log into the Skedulo web app.

What is happening?

As part of our authentication process, we have to query your Salesforce data to make sure you can actually log in (which means we will be making requests on your behalf to Salesforce). If you see this error it means your Salesforce user profile has an IP address restriction which doesn’t include our Skedulo services or our authentication provider (Auth0).

How to fix the problem

The most likely cause is that you have the session setting of Lock sessions to the domain in which they were first used checked. Uncheck this setting and try again. If this does not solve your issue you may have to add IP addresses in the user’s profile (see Troubleshooting steps below).

Session settings in Salesforce CRM.

Session settings in Salesforce CRM.

Troubleshooting steps

Administrators who have the required permissions can view and edit the login IP addresses that have been defined in the user’s profile.

To view the user’s login IP ranges in Salesforce, using Salesforce Lightning perform the following:

  1. Go to Setup.
  2. Select Users > Users.
  3. Edit the user profile having difficulties.
  4. Locate Profile from the user settings and click on it (e.g., Standard User).
  5. From the profile (in the section named System), select Login IP Ranges.

Your user’s login IP address ranges (if any) are listed. Click Add IP Ranges to add more addresses (or click Del to remove them).

A user’s profile in Salesforce.

A user’s profile in Salesforce.

Accessing the login ip ranges in a user’s profile.

Accessing the login IP ranges in a user’s profile.

If you have any doubts about which IP addresses are causing the login problems, check out the login history logs provided in Salesforce. The problem addresses should be recorded in that log.

Accessing the login history logs in Salesforce.

Accessing the login history logs in Salesforce.

Also, see Salesforce’s documentation on login access policies, setting trusted IP ranges for your organization, and Auth0 rules.