Decline or cancel a job

Decline or cancel a job in the Skedulo v2 mobile app


When a new job is received in the Skedulo v2 mobile app, the user has the opportunity to refuse (or decline) the job rather than accept it.

Decline a job

In the job’s details, next to the Accept Job button there is a red Decline Job button. Tapping this button will result in one of two outcomes:

  • If the admin setting When jobs are declined, prompt resources to submit a reason for declining their jobs is enabled, a sliding view will prompt the user to pick a Decline reason from a drop-down menu before they can successfully decline. Tapping the checkmark icon will save the selection and decline the job. The reason chosen will be relayed back to the web app.

  • If the admin setting When jobs are declined, prompt resources to submit a reason for declining their jobs is disabled, a confirmation pops up. Tap Decline reason a second time and the job will be declined straight away–no reason need be given.

Decline a job with a reason

Cancel a job

From time to time a user may need to cancel a job which they have been allocated. This option is available to Skedulo app users—however, it is not enabled by default.

To activate this feature, enable the admin setting Allow resources to cancel allocated jobs—this will expose the Cancel Job option in the blue Actions button in the job’s details.

Once permitted, a user can cancel an allocated job that has been accepted—for themselves and all the other assigned resources.

Once accepted, the option to cancel will appear in the Actions button menu. Tapping on Cancel Job presents a sliding view where the user must pick a cancellation reason from a drop-down menu before they can successfully cancel the job. Tapping the checkmark icon will save the selection and cancel the job. The reason chosen will be transmitted back to the web app.

Examples showing the steps for how to cancel a job on Skedulo.

Job details

Customize scheduling workflow

Cancel or reschedule a job