Enable and view notifications

Enable the notifications center to view an availability or unavailability request from a resource.


With the notification center enabled, the scheduler will receive a notification every time a resource creates an availability or unavailability request. The scheduler can quickly inspect each request and act accordingly, i.e., click on a notification to open the availability request modal to take action.

The notifications center is not available for Skedulo on Salesforce users.

Enable the Notifications Center

The notification center is represented by a small bell icon at the top right of the console.

The notifications center.

If the notifications center icon is not visible, administrators can activate it via the Beta features section in the Settings menu.

View notifications

When a resource sends an availability or unavailability request from their mobile app, the notification center displays a small red counter on the notification center (bell) icon.

  1. Click on the bell icon to open the notification center panel.
  2. Requests are listed in the notifications center panel (oldest first). New requests are highlighted pale blue. Click to open an unavailability (or availability) request.
  3. The request is opened in the appropriate modal for action to be taken, i.e., approve or decline.

The notification center panel opened with a new notification.

The notification center panel opened with a new notification.

An unavailability request awaiting approval.

An unavailability request awaiting approval.