Manually complete a job


Schedulers can manually update a job’s status relating their allocated resources’ actions.

Requirements for completing a job manually

The scheduler can manually complete an allocated job providing it is in one of the following states:

  • Ready.
  • En Route.
  • On Site.
  • In Progress.

Completing a job manually from the job details page

To complete a job manually in the job details view:

  1. Open the job’s details page.
  2. Click the Actions button to display the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Complete

Once the process is started, Skedulo will perform some checks. First, it will check the setting, Consider job tasks to be optional, which is configurable via the admin settings. Depending on the result, one of two things will happen:

  • If it is enabled, the Complete Job modal will open (i.e., job tasks are optional).
  • If it is disabled, Skedulo will check for incomplete tasks assigned to the job.
    • If one is found, the Incomplete Tasks modal will open.
    • If none are found, the Complete Job modal will open.

Customize scheduling workflow.

The Incomplete Tasks modal

The Incomplete Tasks modal alerts you that there are incomplete tasks on a job you are trying to complete. Click Yes, complete tasks to complete all the outstanding tasks. This will open the Complete Job modal.

The Complete Job modal

When the Complete Job modal opens, four fields are available for configuration:

  • Actual start date. This value populates the In Progress field.
  • Actual start time. This value populates the In Progress field.
  • Actual end date. This value populates the Complete field.
  • Actual end time. This value populates the Complete field.

These fields can be populated in different ways depending on the status of the job and the current time:

  • If the scheduled end time of the job is in the past when the modal opens, the four fields will auto-populate with the scheduled start and end times. These can be changed to the actual start and end times and saved (using Complete job).
  • If the job is In Progress, it will already have an actual start time. As a result, Skedulo will lock the actual start time in the complete job modal (it will be read-only). The end time can be changed to the actual end time and saved (using Complete job).
  • If the job is in the Ready or En Route state but the scheduled start time has not yet been passed when the modal is opened, the fields will be blank. Selecting a date prefills the time field with the current time. The values can be changed, but they cannot be in advance of the current time indicator on the swimlane (i.e., they cannot be times in the future, only those current or past). A warning is be given if the times are set too far ahead.
  • A blank modal (i.e., where all fields are left blank) can be saved, and the job will be completed. This results in no times being recorded for In Progress (actual start) or Complete (actual end).