Fix notification issues

Troubleshoot notification issues

There can be a number of reasons why you are not able to receive notifications on your mobile device. The following list provides a few things you can check:

  • Are you connected to the Skedulo server (i.e., do you have a working network connection and have you successfully logged in to Skedulo)?

    If you are not logged in, you will not see any notifications.

  • Do your mobile device settings permit notifications to be received? If you see notifications appearing in the main menu but do not see a banner notification on your device, this could be your problem).

  • Have you already confirmed or accepted the job (for which you are expecting a notification)? If so, the notification will be removed, and the job will be available in your agenda.

  • Not receiving SMS notifications? If this is the first time you have used your device, double-check with your scheduler that your mobile contact number is correctly defined in your CRM. Check both the number format and check for any special characters (remove these and try with numbers only).

If you still require assistance, raise a support ticket.