Frequently asked questions: Schedule rules and conflicts

Answers and explanations for common questions about the rules service.

Who is the feature available to?

The schedule rules and conflicts feature is available to all Skedulo Pulse Platform customers.

How can I start using it?

The feature must first be enabled for your team by an administrator.

An administrator can also switch specific rules on or off, as needed.

If I enable the service, will it automatically evaluate my existing schedules using the rules?

The rules service only evaluates schedules that are created after the point at which the feature is enabled. Jobs that were created before that point can still be evaluated by following the instructions in the developer documentation.

Which scheduling rules are supported?

There are multiple core rules that can be switched on or off by an administrator.

What types of custom rules are supported?

Custom rules can be developed for any standard or custom data objects. They can be developed for individual records of work or for a collection of records spanning a period of time, for example, fatigue rules.

More information about implementing custom rules can be found in our documentation.

Can the rules service be used in extensions and custom solutions?

Yes! It can be leveraged in either extensions or custom solutions. More information can be found in the developer’s guide and in the API reference.

Are the conflicts created in “real-time”?

Evaluating schedules is done close to real-time. Triggering the evaluation process is immediate when work is created or edited. The rules service then processes it through the applicable rules and generates any conflicts, which can take milliseconds to a couple of seconds depending on the system’s load at the time.

Bulk changes, for example, via the data loader, are processed in a different queue that is not as immediate so that the processing does not disrupt the system’s business-as-usual performance.

Custom rules may differ depending on the complexity of the evaluation logic and the system load at any time, but should also be relatively rapid.

Can I see the history of when a conflict record was created, resolved, or assigned to someone?

Details of changes to rule conflicts can be viewed by administrators in the Settings > Change history page.