
Term or Abbreviation Description
Activity An activity can be used to book unscheduled actions. Activities are scheduled similar to jobs but are not customer-related.

Examples include admin work, meal break, an oil change for a car (an asset), childcare visits or dental appointments.

Refer to Create and manage activities and Manage activities.
Administrator A Skedulo administrator has the highest set of permissions and can perform all operations as well as view and edit all data.

Refer to Skedulo User Types.
AOT Ahead of time–scheduling in advance of the current period.
API Application Programming Interface–used to integrate one application with another. The Skedulo API offers a technical framework to connect our platform or its components to your systems of record or proprietary apps.

Find more information here:

API Token API tokens are credentials, used in the authorization process to access Skedulo’s APIs.

Long-lived tokens permit developers to use the same credentials programmatically, for a set period before they expire.

Refer to Admin Setting: API tokens and
Asset A vehicle or other piece of equipment that is used by a resource to perform a job.

Refer to Managing resources.
Attributes Resources can be accredited skill tags (or attributes) that are used to track specific job-related skills, certifications and licensing.
Availability Availability refers to the times when a resource can be scheduled jobs. Global templates are defined and assigned to resources to show their general availability (e.g., normal working hours of 9-5). You can also add extra periods of availability for times outside of normal working hours, e.g., Overtime.

Refer to Availability Console.
Connected Page Connected pages are now called Web Extensions. Connected pages are customized web pages added to the Skedulo web UI. These are built using the Skedulo SDK and provide a custom view for organizations that require more complex workflows or views.

See Web Extensions.
CSM Customer Success Manager – a member of the Skedulo Customer Experience Team.
Custom Fields Custom fields are used to add more information to a job, that is not directly available from the job details. If custom fields have been added and mapped to the mobile app, they will display under the notes section in a job.
Custom Forms Custom forms on the mobile app are similar to Web extensions in the web app and allow organizations to add customized pages to the Skedulo apps. These allow for much more complex interactions than Custom Fields and can be utilized for product inventory, site surveys, and patient medical records.

Refer to Customize forms.
Extension An ‘App’ built on the skedulo platform comprised of a collection of components such as (but not limited to), Custom Objects, Custom Fields, Web Extensions, Functions and Mobile Forms that address a specific business need. For example “Timesheets”.
FB Filter Bar, part of the Skedulo web app GUI.

Refer to Filter Bar.
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996. A US Federal Act that includes the HIPAA privacy rule on Protected Health Information.

Refer to Security Policy.
Holidays Planned days off (a period of unavailability), e.g., Christmas, New Year. Holidays can be global (impacting all regions) or region-specific. Holidays will automatically impact the availability of resources in an affected region.

Refer to Create a holiday record.
Inclusion Using inclusion (or exclusion), organizations can permit (or prevent) access to certain customer accounts.

Refer to Salesforce Account and Location Resource Scores.
JIT “Just in time.” The automated scheduling of jobs to a resource—allocating a job to a resource immediately before they start the job; queued up “just in time” to the workforce.
Job A job is a service (a unit of work) being provided at a location; assigned to a resource (or multiple resources) at a certain time for an account.

Refer to Create and update job.
Job Allocation (JA) A job allocation (JA) is associated (or related to) a Job. One JA per resource, per job. JAs are atomic in that a resource can only have one at a time. Jobs can have multiple JAs to do time accounting etc.

Another way to think of this is that you drag jobs onto the swimlane, but JAs are what appear on the swimlane. JAs are what a mobile resource is looking at on the Skedulo mobile app.
Job Card Job cards contain the details of requested services. They may, or may not, include scheduling information (date/time), or job tasks.

Refer to Using Job Cards.
Job Name The job name is the job number allocated to a card–as referenced in the Salesforce job objected name field.

Example: “JOB-0024.”
Job Offers A feature which allows schedulers to send job offers to groups of resources, who can accept or decline them based on their availability.
Job Status “What is a queued job?” A job is given a status which reflects its progress through the job workflow. It is automatically updated based on milestones reached.

Refer to Job Status and Job Allocation Status.
Job Template Job templates are used in the web app to pre-fill specific job types with job data.

Refer to Create job templates.
Job Type “Job Types” are used to reflect the individual types of services (job categories) that need to be delivered as part of a work order. They can have a default duration and can also have predefined tags and tasks (also, see “Job Templates.”

Refer to View and create new job types.
JTC Job time constraints.

Refer to Apply time constraints to job.
Location One account can have many locations (i.e., addresses). Locations are optional in Skedulo, as the destination of a job may simply be the account address. Create a location record if you’re going to have multiple jobs for the different locations for the same account. The job address (which is populated from the location address) is key to scheduling as it is used to calculate drive times and plot jobs on the map.

Refer to Create and update job.
Mastermind Skedulo’s intelligent scheduling engine.

Refer to Overview of Optimization (Mastermind).
Modal “A modal dialog is a window that forces the user to interact with it before they can go back to using the parent application.”
Org An “Org” is a unique Salesforce database (your data, your custom fields, code, processes, reports, and so on.)
PEG Partner Enablement Guide.
Permission Set Skedulo uses permission setsto grant the correct object permissions. The Skedulo managed package includes the following permission sets:
  • Resource permission set.
  • Scheduler permission set
Refer to Manage user types.
Planr Planr is the schedule optimization module of “Mastermind.”
Recurring Schedule A Skedulo feature that allows a scheduler to create jobs that appear as part of a repeating pattern. It groups jobs on a recurring schedule. For example a regular trip with pre-set customer visits.

Refer to Recurring Schedules.
Region Regions are used to segments working areas, for example, Peter can work in city “a” but not “b”. Jobs and resources are associated with a region. Regions can only have one time zone.

Regions do not define or relate to, the geographical bounds of the place name, e.g., “Los Angeles” does not equal the bounds of the City of Los Angeles.

Refer to Create regions.
Region (Secondary) A secondary region permits a resource to work across regions (or territories), this can be assigned in addition to their primary region.

Refer to Multiple regions.
Region (Temporary) A temporary region allows a resource to work in a different region (that can be in a different time zone), for a set period, e.g., a traveling resource.

Refer to Multiple regions.
Resource A resource is defined as either a person or a physical asset that is in the field. A “Person” resource is associated with a Salesforce user record. However, an “Asset” resource requires no user record as it is typically an object (e.g., a truck).

Refer to Manage resources and Manage user types.
Resource Requirements Resource requirements define the number of resources and skills they must have to fulfill a job assignment.

Refer to Resource Requirements and Multiple Resource Requirements.
Resource Score A method of including or excluding a resource from being allocated to:
  • A job associated with a specified account.
  • From a location (that can be associated with an account).
Refer to Salesforce Account and Location Resource Scores.
Rosters A collection of shifts over a set period. A roster can be replicated by copying a number of shifts for one period to another.

Refer to Shifts.
PHI Protected Health Information includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, geography, dates, IP addresses, emails; and Health information such as health status, health care status, payment for healthcare (from HIPAA training).

Refer to Privacy Policy.
REST Representational State Transfer, this means that each unique URL is a representation of some object (used for API requests). Skedulo also uses GraphQL.

Find more information here:
Scheduler A scheduler (or dispatcher) is a function of an organization. Typically responsible for the creation, dispatch, and maintenance of jobs to the resources out in the field.

Refer to Skedulo User Types.
SDK Software Development Kit. The SDK is a desktop app for Windows, and Mac that facilitates easy development of connected pages and other customizations.

Find more information here:
Shift Shifts are defined periods of work within a rostered day. In Skedulo, a scheduler can overlay a resource’s availability on their shift(s) to identify conflicts with job allocations.

Refer to Shifts.
SLA Service level agreement. Used to defines official commitments between two groups. Used also in Skedulo to define a very rigorous form of time constraint.

Refer to Job Time Constraints.
SMS Short message service. Used in Skedulo to deliver notifications to mobile devices.

Refer to Dispatching Jobs.
Suggest The Suggestion engine is suitable for finding a slot in the schedule for a single job.

Refer to Using the Suggest Feature.
Tags Tags can be used to categorize resources. For example, use tags to group skillsets of people, and use custom categories for physical assets. Jobs can have “required tags;” for example, a doctor home visit requires a certified GP resource tag.

Tags can also be “global” which applies to both “Person” and “Asset” resource types–they are used in the scheduling process matching jobs with resources that have the corresponding tags.

Refer to Tags (Skills).
Unavailability Unavailability is time off, or a period when a resource is unavailable to work, e.g., due to sickness or vacation.

Refer to Availability Console.
Visualforce A Salesforce framework. Visualforce is the component-based user interface framework for the platform. The framework includes a tag-based markup language, similar to HTML.

See Visualforce basics on \
VRP Vehicle Route Planning (used in the Skedulo web app feature “Optimize” and “Suggest”) is a Skedulo service that balances jobs and resources. It provides the scheduler with the most effective routes for their resources

Refer to Optimized Scheduling.
WebSocket The WebSocket specification defines an API establishing “socket” connections between a web browser and a server. In plain words: There is a persistent connection between the client and the server and both parties can start sending data at any time.
Work Offers Using this feature, companies have the flexibility to offer specific jobs or units of work to a group of workers (who are available and qualified) so they can self-select the work they want the most.

Refer to Job Offers and Shift Offers.