Introduction to optimization recipes

An introduction to optimization recipes and core concepts.


Efficient resource scheduling is a critical aspect of any business operation, enabling organizations to maximize productivity, streamline workflows, and meet customer demands effectively. However, a one-size-fits-all approach to resource scheduling often falls short of meeting the diverse and unique requirements of different customers.

Recognizing this challenge, Skedulo offers objective tuning to empower customers with the ability to tailor their scheduling outcomes to align with their specific business needs. These are wrapped in a feature we call “Recipes”.

By providing customers with the flexibility to weigh and prioritize different objectives against each other, organizations can deliver optimized resource schedules that not only enhance operational efficiency but also deliver outcomes that are closely aligned with the strategic goals and priorities of their customers.


Objectives are essentially “soft constraints”. They are scheduling preferences, priorities, or guidelines that can be adjusted or compromised to a certain degree in the scheduling process without causing a scheduling solution to be considered infeasible or unacceptable.

Unlike hard constraints, which are strict and must be satisfied without exception, soft constraints allow for trade-offs and optimization based on their relative importance or weightings. The degree to which a soft constraint can be violated depends on its assigned weight or priority.

Which objectives can be weighted?

We offer six objectives that can be weighted, depending on the business needs or scenario. Customers can allocate weights, represented as percentages, to different objectives, ensuring that the sum of weights always equals 100%.