Manage exceptions with the Exceptions service (Closed beta)

How to manage exceptions in the Exceptions console.


Exceptions are notifications of breakages in scheduling rules, which might arise due to overlapping job allocations, resources, region, location, etc.

The Exceptions console is a central location where all existing exceptions for the ongoing and future jobs are listed. This console provides a place for schedulers to view and manage exceptions.

The Exceptions console increases the visibility of time-critical issues and helps in the early detection of job conflicts so that schedulers can respond to and resolve them promptly. It facilitates the schedulers in maximizing the successful job completion rate while minimizing resource and job conflicts.

Use cases

The Exceptions service can help identify scheduling issues that may arise because, for example:

  • A resource becomes unavailable due to illness after the schedule has been created.
  • A resource has been added to the job account’s exclusion list.
  • The resource has another job scheduled at the same time.
  • The original schedule ignored travel time.

Exception service rules

The following exceptions are currently detected by the exception service:

  • Resource is unavailable.
  • Resource is missing a required tag.
  • Resource is missing an optional tag.
  • Resource is on the exclusion list.
  • Resource is not on the inclusion list.
  • The work item is scheduled outside of a time constraint; this includes starting before, starting after, or ending before the time specified in the constraint.
  • Overlap of work items in the schedule.
  • There is insufficient time to travel from one work item to the next.
  • Overlap of availability records.

Access the Exceptions console

To access the Exceptions console, navigate to the Manage tab and then click Exceptions.

The Exceptions page opens. It lists all the exceptions along with their Description, Exception Type, Start Time, End Time.

Filter exceptions

Click Add filter to filter the exceptions by Region, Type, or Resource. Multiple filters can be applied simultaneously.

You can also use the date picker to filter the view of exceptions to only show specific dates.

Resolve exceptions

Exceptions can be resolved by changing the conditions that caused the exception, for example, rescheduling a work item so that it does not overlap with another one. Work items can be accessed from the Exceptions console by clicking on the work item number or the resource’s name.