Getting started with Single Sign-On


Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication mechanism designed to simplify and enhance user access to multiple applications. With SSO, users only need to authenticate once, gaining seamless entry to various connected platforms without the need for repetitive logins. This streamlined approach improves user experience and bolsters security by reducing the reliance on multiple sets of credentials. You can set up your Skedulo environment to trust a third-party identity provider to authenticate users.

In setting up Single Sign-On (SSO), you configure one system to trust another to authenticate users, eliminating the need for users to log in to each system separately. The system that authenticates users is called an identity provider. The system that trusts the identity provider for authentication is called the service provider.

For instance, consider configuring Google as an identity provider for user authentication within Skedulo. Users would then log in to Skedulo using their Google credentials, with Skedulo functioning as the service provider, relying on Google for precise user authentication.

Supported authentication protocols

Skedulo currently supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication protocol, ensuring a standardized and secure method for user authentication.

Supported identity providers

Skedulo facilitates SSO with the following identity providers:

  • Okta: Configure Skedulo to integrate seamlessly with Okta, allowing users to authenticate using their Okta credentials.

  • Azure AD: Skedulo supports integration with Azure Active Directory.

  • Google Workspace: Skedulo supports users authenticating with their corporate Google credentials.