Understand job start and end times calculations

Understand how the job start and end time fields work in Skedulo.


There are a few start and end time fields relating to jobs in Skedulo. This article explains when they are initially set and when they are updated.

Skedulo field label Field name Description
Estimated Start (See note below) sked__Estimated_Start__c This field is initially populated when the job is allocated, based on the start time. Updated if the job is rescheduled. Updated when the job is set to “In Progress”. Updated when the job is set to “Complete.”
Estimate End (See note below) sked__Estimated_End__c This field is initially populated when the job is allocated, based on the finish time. Updated if the job is rescheduled. Updated when the job is set to “In Progress.” Updated again when the job is set to “Complete.”
Actual Start sked__Actual_Start__c Populated when the job is set to “In Progress.”
Actual End sked__Actual_End__c Populated when the job is set to “Complete.”
Start sked__Start_c The originally planned start time. Updated if the job is rescheduled. It does not change when the job is set to “In Progress” or “Complete.”
Finish sked__Finish_c The originally planned finish time. Updated if the job is rescheduled. Does not change when the job is set to “In Progress” or “Complete.”

See also