Standard roles

An overview of Skedulo standard roles.


Skedulo comes with three standard user roles, each with a combination of permissions designed to meet the needs of most typical users. Custom roles can be created to accommodate specific access requirements, and the Scheduler and Resource roles can be edited to fine-tune the permissions to suit your organization’s needs. Multiple roles can be assigned to a user, if required.

Some functionality in Skedulo requires that users have one of the standard roles to use it. These scenarios and a general description of each standard role is provided in this page.

Administrator role

The Administrator role always has full permissions and cannot be edited. Pages for managing Activity types, Availability types, Job types, and Resource categories require the Administrator role.

Even though the Administrator role has all permissions, users with the role will only be able to access the mobile app if they also have the Resource role.

Scheduler role

The Scheduler role has all permissions required for accessing the Skedulo web app and performing typical scheduling tasks, such as creating and allocating work items. This role’s permissions can be edited to provide more or less access to functionality and data in the system.

As with the Administrator role, the Scheduler role does not grant access to the mobile app. Users that require use of the mobile app need the Resource role specifically.

Resource role

The Resource role is intended for the deskless workforce who use the Skedulo mobile app to view and accept work items, manage their availability, and provide details on the status of work items they are allocated to.

Only users with the Resource role can access the mobile app and users with only this role cannot access the web app by default. The role’s permissions can, however, be edited to include such access, if required. For more information on the permissions required to access the web app, please see the permissions required for using the web app. Alternatively, a custom role can be used in addition to the Resource role to provide additional permissions for specific use cases.

Custom roles

Administrators can define additional roles that provide a custom set of permissions. These can be used instead of, or in addition to, the standard roles. However, for mobile app access, the Resource role must be used in addition to any custom roles. For more information about custom roles, see the documentation on custom roles and functional permissions.