Optimization recipes

Use optimization recipes to define scheduling objectives.

Introduction to optimization recipes

An introduction to optimization recipes and core concepts.

Objective: Minimize disruption

Use the minimize disruption objective to prioritize jobs that already have a specific resource assigned to them.

Objective: Balanced workload

Use the balanced workload objective to distribute work equally between resources.

Objective: Travel time

Use the travel time objective to minimize the travel time for resources.

Objective: Minimize resources

Use the minimize resources objective to utilize the fewest resources.

Objective: Work priority

Use the work priority objective to prioritize urgent jobs.

Objective: Soft skills

Use the soft skills objective to assign jobs to resources based on their soft skills.

Create optimization recipes

Use recipes to intelligently schedule work to optimize pre-defined business KPIs.

Best practices for optimization recipes

Importance of weighting multiple optimization recipe objective constraints.