Objective: Work priority

Use the work priority objective to prioritize urgent jobs.


Work priority refers to the urgency or importance assigned to specific jobs or tasks, indicating that they need to be given precedence over other jobs. This prioritization could stem from factors such as emergency work or critical deadlines that require immediate attention and completion.

Assign weight to the work priority objective

Assigning a weight to work priority signifies a schedule objective to prioritize jobs with higher urgency. The optimizer will allocate resources and schedule these high-priority jobs first, before addressing other jobs with lower or no priority.

The scheduling of these prioritized jobs will still consider other defined objectives, such as optimizing resource utilization or minimizing completion time, while ensuring the urgent tasks receive appropriate attention.

When all jobs can be scheduled within the available resources and constraints, the impact of work priority may appear minimal. In such cases, the scheduling optimizer can efficiently allocate resources to all tasks without compromising on urgency or priority.

However, as the gap between supply and demand widens, it becomes increasingly crucial to give work priority a more significant weight to avoid neglecting critical tasks.

By appropriately increasing the weight assigned to work priority, businesses can ensure that even in situations where the pool of allocations exceeds available resources, the scheduler will prioritize and allocate resources to high-priority tasks first. This approach enables organizations to maintain service levels, customer satisfaction, and overall operational effectiveness in the face of resource constraints and growing demand.

Assign no weight to the work priority objective

In the absence of a weight assigned to work priority, the optimizer will not specifically consider the urgency of jobs in the scheduling process. It will treat all jobs equally and schedule them based on other defined objectives or constraints. The absence of weight implies that urgency is not a decisive factor in the scheduling process, and jobs will be treated similarly to other non-priority tasks.