Manage schedule rule conflicts on the Skedulo Pulse Platform

Learn to resolve or edit a rule conflict.


The Rule conflicts console helps to create a workflow for resolving conflicts that arise from schedules breaking the schedule rules configured for your team.

Resolve rule conflicts

Resolution of the conflict depends on the type. For example, if a time constraint rule has a conflict, then either the scheduled time or the time constraint needs to be changed to resolve it.

To resolve a conflict, do the following:

  1. Click on the job number or resource name (depending on the type of conflict) in the conflict row. The job details page or resource swimlane displays, as is applicable.
  2. Make changes so that there is no longer a conflict with the schedule rules. For example, if the conflict record indicates that the job is over allocated, deallocate the extra resources.

Edit a rule conflict

Web app users with permissions for managing rule conflicts (violations) can change the status of a conflict and assign a user who can then be responsible for resolving it.

Screenshot of the Edit conflict options

Change the status of a conflict record

Rule conflict records can have a status of Open, In progress, Closed, or Acknowledged.

To change the status of a record, do the following:

  1. On the conflict to update, click Edit.
  2. Click the Status dropdown and select the new status to assign.
  3. Click Save. The new status displays in the Status column.

Assign a user to a conflict record

To assign a user to a conflict record, do the following:

  1. On the conflict to assign, click Edit.
  2. Click the Assignee dropdown and select the user to assign to the conflict.
  3. Click Save. The user’s name displays in the Assignee column.