User Guides
Support Portal
API Reference Guide
User Guides
Support Portal
API Reference Guide
Skedulo Documentation
Developer documentation
Getting started with Skedulo
Deskless Productivity Cloud fundamentals
Skedulo concepts
The Skedulo core data model
Authentication and authorization
Authentication for Skedulo
Authentication requirements and API tokens
Skedulo API user
Authentication for Skedulo for Salesforce
User permissions in Skedulo for Salesforce
Skedulo for Salesforce permission sets
Skedulo permissions and access control (deprecated)
Object and field permissions (deprecated)
Role-based permissions (deprecated)
Insufficient access (deprecated)
Use the Skedulo REST API
Use GraphQL
Get started with GraphQL
Install the GraphiQL web extension
Query the GraphQL schema
Perform multiple related mutations using GraphQL aliases
Make changes to the data records using GraphQL mutations
Use pagination to access all GraphQL query results
Subscribe to Skedulo objects
Upsert records with GraphQL
Manage and schedule work
Create and configure work
Job lifecycle
Job start and end times
Job time constraints
Create a new job or activity with pre-filled data
Manage resource availability
Use tags
Use tags for resources and jobs
Add Contact tags to Accounts using GraphQL
Add Resource tags to Jobs using GraphQL
Manage scheduling rules and exceptions
Manage scheduling rules and conflicts on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Schedule rules and violations (conflicts)
Manually run a job to evaluate pre-existing schedules
Integrate with the Rules service
Implement custom schedule rules
Implement fatigue and time-interval-based rules
Understand the Insufficient travel time rule
Optimize schedules
Get started with optimization
Create a scheduled optimization
Create an optimization extension
Optimize vs Suggest
Suggest: Resources and times for a job
Suggest: Times to schedule a job
Optimized scheduling using the Skedulo API
Use and manage location information
Using the Geoservices API
Calculate distance and travel time
Calculate the travel time and distance between multiple locations
Estimate the distance and travel time between locations on a route
Estimate travel times between work items (deprecated)
Address geocoding and autocompletion
Generate a session ID for geoservices requests
Get a location's Place ID
Get a location's details
Get a location's geographic co-ordinates
Get a location's timezone
Geolocation field type and distance comparison
Errors and troubleshooting
Skedulo CLI
Introduction to the Skedulo CLI
Install the Skedulo CLI
Authenticate with the Skedulo CLI
Work with artifacts
Work with objects and fields
Work with packages
Artifact availability
Help and troubleshooting
Command Reference
sked artifacts
sked tenant
sked function
sked web-extension
sked package
Customize and extend Skedulo web app
Create and customize objects, and fields
Introduction to custom objects and fields in Skedulo
Create custom objects and fields in the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Create custom objects and fields with the Skedulo API
Create custom objects and fields in the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Use GraphQL to query custom objects and fields
Understand the Lookup and Has many custom field types
Customize and modify Skedulo picklist values
Overview of Skedulo picklists
Modify picklist items and field dependencies
Create and map custom objects in Salesforce
Create custom objects in Salesforce
Add custom fields to your custom object in Salesforce
Map custom objects and fields
Create and customize pages
Introduction to pages
Manage pages
Create pages
Customize pages
Error codes
Override system-generated pages
Create an object and add custom fields
Configure the navigation menu
Override the default Create record page
Override the default View record page
Override the default Edit record page
Edit the default columns
Edit the column templates
Override the default List view page
Create and customize list views
Use list views
Sort list views
Filter list views
List view columns
Configure default columns for list views
Save and share list views
Advanced column configuration for list views
Customize list views
Use the Skedulo Software Development Kit (SDK)
Install and set up Skedulo Packages SDK
Skedulo web extensions
Build and deploy a standalone web page (formerly known as Connected Pages)
Build and deploy embedded web extensions
Build and deploy multiple pages as a package
Web extensions API services
Developing web extensions with the CLI
Customize and extend Skedulo mobile apps
Skedulo Plus extensions
Introduction to Skedulo Plus extensions
Get started with Skedulo Plus extensions
Get started with Skedulo Plus extensions
Set Skedulo Plus extension context and metadata
Change the extension title and summary
Create forms that only work when users are online
Use the Skedulo CLI to upload and manage your Skedulo Plus extension
Skedulo Plus extensions validation rules
Render content dynamically in mobile extensions
Skedulo Plus extension files and data
Skedulo Plus extension definition file structure
Metadata for Skedulo Plus extensions
Use GraphQL to fetch instance data
Fetch static data
Resource localization
Skedulo Plus extensions component library
Skedulo Plus extension components overview
Page types
Mobile extensions page type definition
List pages
Page components
List page components
Flat page components
Flat page components
Text editor
Text view
Select editor
Date and time picker
Menu list
ReadOnly text
Address editor
Skedulo v2 mobile extension
Skedulo v2 mobile app extensions for custom forms
Build and deploy Skedulo v2 mobile app extensions
Integration and automation
API Overview
Skedulo REST API
Use GraphQL
Valid Date and DateTime formats
Make API calls from Salesforce
Make generic Skedulo API requests using Salesforce
Make Skedulo API Notification requests using Salesforce
Automate responses to changes using webhooks and triggered actions
Overview of triggered actions and webhooks
Error handling and debugging triggered actions and webhooks
Use webhooks
Create a webhook
Schedule or defer a webhook
Manage incoming SMS with webhooks
Use triggered actions
Introduction to triggered actions
Create a triggered action for modified objects
Update a triggered action
Delete a triggered action
Extend Skedulo functionality with functions
Introduction to custom functions
Develop a function
Extend Skedulo functionality with custom functions
Develop and deploy custom code using connected functions and the SDK
Errors and troubleshooting
Manage and control access
Control access to application functionality
Provision user accounts via the API
Deprecated: Use provisioning to create multiple user accounts
Create and use record access policies
Understand record access policy rules
Manage record access policies via the API
How Record access policies control data access
Best practices: Create record access policies and rules
Create and manage deployments
Create and deploy packages with the SDK
Get started with Skedulo packages
Overview of package components
Create libraries with the SDK
Get started with libraries
Introduction to Skedulo libraries
Use shared components library
Skedulo system status
User guides
Getting started
Getting started with Skedulo platform
Install and setup for Skedulo Pulse Platform
Set up and verify account and team
Confirm web browser compatibility
Complete onboarding wizard
Log into the Skedulo Web App (for Skedulo Pulse Platform customers)
Manage resources and assets in the Skedulo web app
Manage resources
Create new resources
Use resource tags
Manage assets
User settings
Customize scheduling workflow
Getting started with Skedulo for Salesforce
Install and setup for Skedulo for Salesforce
Install and configure the onboarding wizard
Log into the Skedulo web app using Salesforce username
Open In Salesforceâ„¢ from within Skedulo web app
Manage regions in Skedulo for Salesforce
Create regions
Manage users in Skedulo for Salesforce
Manage user types
Grant Salesforce user a Skedulo license
Create and edit Salesforce users
Manage user permissions
Add or change a profile image
Deactivate users
Manage resources and assets in Skedulo for Salesforce
Add new resources in Skedulo for Salesforce
Manage resource category
Manage tags (skills)
Enable and manage job products
Quickstart tutorials
Quick-start 1 - The onboarding wizard
Quick-start 2 - Set up resources
Quick-start 3 - Create jobs
Quick-start 4 - Dispatch jobs
Create and edit work
Create and manage work
Create and manage work in the Skedulo web app
View work
Use the Schedule Calendar view
Use the Work console
Create work
Create a new job type
Create and update work
Use quick job create
Use work cards
View and manage work details
Job details - old version
View, add, and delete attachments
Work custom fields
Apply time constraints to work items
View work status
Manage resource requirements
Allocate and dispatch work
Allocate work
Dispatch work
Manage job dependencies
Schedule and manage work offers
Complete, cancel, or reshedule work
Cancel or reschedule a job
Manually complete a job
Restore a canceled job
Create and manage work in Skedulo for Salesforce
Create a new job type in Skedulo for Salesforce
Add custom fields to jobs
Create and edit shifts
Create and edit shifts in the Skedulo web app
Create and edit shifts
Display shifts in swimlane views
Create and manage shift offers
Define resource working hours
Create and edit activities
Create and edit activities in the Skedulo web app
Use activities console
Create and manage activities
Manage scheduling and availability
Manage availability and unavailability
Manage availability and unavailability in the Skedulo web app
Access availability console
Request availability
Use availability patterns
Manage availability
Use Availability templates
Manage unavailability
Manage availability and unavailability in Skedulo for Salesforce
Manage availability and unavailability types
Create a holiday record
View and manage resource availability
Create and view schedules
View schedules
Configure user preferences
Scheduling console
Status panel
Horizontal swimlanes
Vertical swimlanes
Map view
Create schedules
Deallocate and unschedule
Multiple regions
Use search and filters
Filter bar
Global search bar
Create and manage recurring schedules
Create recurring schedules
View recurring schedules
Manage recurring schedules
Optimization of schedule
Manage and use route optimization
Optimize schedules
Set working hour limits for resources
Optimization recipes
Introduction to optimization recipes
Objective: Minimize disruption
Objective: Balanced workload
Objective: Travel time
Objective: Minimize resources
Objective: Work priority
Objective: Soft skills
Create optimization recipes
Best practices for optimization recipes
Scheduled optimization
One-off optimization (Swimlane view)
One-off optimization (Vertical swimlane)
One-off optimization (Map view)
One-off optimization (Schedule calendar view)
Background tasks
Travel time and route optimization
Optimization results
Optimization history
Optimization extensions
Optimization extension overview
Optimization extension - The Flexible Scheduler
Optimization extension - The Routine Keeper
Optimization extension - The Date Guardrail
Use Suggest feature
Manage schedule conflicts and exceptions
Schedule conflict alerts in the web app
Manage schedule conflicts with the Rules service on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
View schedule rule conflicts on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Manage schedule rule conflicts on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Frequently asked questions: Schedule rules and conflicts
Troubleshooting schedule rules and conflicts
Manage exceptions with the Exceptions service (Closed beta)
Schedule work with the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Introduction to the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Schedule work with the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Get to know the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Customize the swimlane views
Schedule work in the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Schedule work with the Pulse Scheduling Experience Work list
Get to know the Pulse Scheduling Experience Work list
Configure Work list views
Use the Work list
Duplicate work in the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Move work in the schedule
Use scheduling actions in the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Use the Context panel in the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Administer and configure
Administer and configure Skedulo web app
Configure users and preferences
Manage users
View and configure general settings
View and configure preferences
Configure social integrations
Enable notifications
Configure the navigation menu
Configure the tabs on web-app pages
Reroute standard Skedulo URLs with page overrides
Create, configure, and manage users (deprecated)
Create and customize work
Customize scheduling workflow
Customize offer workflow
Configure scheduling rules
Create job templates
Create and manage data objects on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Manage custom fields
Manage picklists
View and customize tables
Change work card appearance
Customize schedule cards in the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Understand job start and end times calculations
Configure Optimization and Suggest
Configure notifications and messaging
Enable and view notifications
Configure and customize push and SMS notifications
Numbers for SMS delivery
View and edit teams
View change history
Extend Skedulo with extensions
View authentication information
Define API user
Create API tokens with developer tools
Create a service user
Manage web extensions
Create and manage web extensions
Manage mobile extensions
Configure Skedulo Plus mobile extension metadata
Enable beta features
Manage configuration variables
Manage packages (Beta)
Permissions and data access control
User roles and permissions
Standard roles
Functional permissions and custom roles
Create custom roles for functional permissions
Manage user roles
Permission dependencies
Use record access policies to control data access
Record access policies
Manage record access policies
Manage record access policy rules
Record access policy templates
Role-based customization of the navigation menu
Administer and configure Skedulo for Salesforce
Change inactivity session timeout
Manage Salesforce account and location resource scores
Turn on Salesforce event synchronization
Enable GraphQL subscriptions for job and allocation updates
Enable Auto-update Geolocation
Configure and manage geolocation of job allocation status change
View and upgrade Skedulo Managed Packages
Skedulo Managed Package Object Chart
Estimate job allocation object travel time and distance
Delink a user from resource record to prevent the deletion of allocated jobs
Configure and view promoted custom field
How to grant enhanced permissions for Salesforce community users
Configure a Skedulo API token in Salesforce
Enable object permissions in Skedulo permission sets
Create and customize fields
Create custom fields
Configure and view promoted custom field
Errors and troubleshooting
OAuth errors
Invalid request error - ip restricted
Access denied error - Session expired or invalid
Houston we have a problem
Administer and configure the Skedulo mobile app
Configure Account field visibility for the Skedulo v2 mobile app
Set up and manage location tracking
Customize Skedulo v2 mobile app settings
Customize fields and forms
Customize fields
Customize forms
Customize mobile workflow labels
Customize job workflow
Enable and manage proximity notifications
Set up app linking
Errors and troubleshooting
Mobile sync errors
Condenser script execution error
Skedulo mobile app server errors
Known Skedulo v2 mobile app issue - Crashing on iOS 13.1.2
Administer and configure Skedulo Plus
Create Skedulo Plus forms with Form Builder
Introduction to the Form Builder
Create mobile forms with Form Builder in the Skedulo web app
Introduction to the Form Builder in the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Create a basic form with Form Builder
Create a data-mapped form to collect new data records (Beta)
Create a data-mapped form to update the job record (Beta)
Create Form Builder forms in Skedulo for Salesforce (Beta)
Introduction to creating mobile forms with Form Builder in Skedulo for Salesforce
Create a data-mapped form with Form Builder to create new data records in Skedulo for Salesforce (Beta)
Create a data-mapped form for updating a job record in Skedulo for Salesforce (Beta)
Components available in the Skedulo Plus Form Builder
Build a Skedulo Plus form with Form Builder components
Set conditional display logic in Form Builder
Edit mobile form details with Form Builder
Install a mobile form
View data collected from the form
Manage Skedulo Plus forms with Form Builder
Skedulo Plus mobile app settings
Customize Skedulo Plus mobile app settings
Configure Availability for Skedulo Plus
Configure Account field visibility for Skedulo Plus
Customize Skedulo Plus mobile app layout
Set geofencing rules for Skedulo Plus
Skedulo Plus mobile notifications
Set up linking to and from the Skedulo Plus mobile app
Enable v2 custom forms in the Skedulo Plus mobile app (Closed beta)
Load and manage data
Load and migrate data to Skedulo
Import and update data
Bulk import users
Format data type
Best practices
Object import order
Migrate data to Skedulo
Best practices for migrating data
View data tables
Export data from Skedulo
Export data
Export data from related objects
Create export templates
Use data export templates
Create a new CRM record
Manage accounts
Manage activities
Manage availability types
Manage contacts
View exclusions
Manage holidays
View inclusions
View and create new job types
Manage locations
Manage regions
Manage resource categories
Manage tags
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Getting started with Single Sign-On
Set up up Single Sign-On
Setting up Single Sign-On
Set up Single Sign-On with Salesforce
Log in with Single Sign-On
Log in with Single Sign-On
Log in with Single Sign-On via Salesforce
Frequently Asked Questions - SSO
Single Sign-On terminology
Analytics and reporting
In Skedulo Pulse Platform
Introduction to Skedulo analytics
Interact with dashboards
Looker explores
In Skedulo for Salesforce
Install and view Skedulo reports and dashboards
Add Skedulo as a trusted network
Dynamic messaging
Use Dynamic Messaging in Skedulo Platform
Configure Dynamic Messaging
Mobile user guides
Skedulo mobile app versions and availability
Skedulo v2 mobile app
Install and set up
Confirm device compatibility
Log in to the Skedulo v2 mobile app
Log in using a Salesforce username
Upgrade from Skedulo to the Skedulo Plus mobile app
Getting started with the mobile app
Getting started
Set up profile and preferences
Set up profile
Edit profile
Set preferences in Settings
Set up notifications
Sync calendar to iCal
Manage agenda and availability
View agenda and calendar
Manage activities
Manage availability and unavailability
Manage work
Manage jobs
Job workflow overview
Access job details
The job details page
Jobs at one location
View and complete tasks
Create a follow up job
Add a signature
Add and rename attachments
Manage timestamps
Manage jobs with multiple resources
Add notes
View attendees of a group event
Create new job
Decline or cancel a job
Swap a job
Manage work offers
Manage shifts
View shifts
Enable and receive shift notifications
Manage shifts
Manage shift offers
Communication and messaging
View notifications
Messaging with Dynamic Messaging
Enhance mobile use in the field
Learn about offline syncing
Minimize bandwidth usage
Errors and troubleshooting
Forgot team name
Forgot user password
Fix notification issues
Condenser script execution error
Skedulo mobile app server errors
Known Skedulo Mobile app Issue - Crashing on iOS 13.1.2
Feedback and support
Skedulo Plus mobile app
Get started with the Skedulo Plus mobile app
Confirm device compatibility
Download, install, and update the mobile app
Log in
Edit your profile and preferences
Edit profile
Set preferences
Sync Calendar with iCalendar
Manage work in Skedulo Plus
View agenda and calendar
Accept and start work
View work details
View work offers
Add attachments
Manage job reminder notifications
Manage job timestamps
Add notes
Manage shifts
View shifts
Enable and receive shift notifications
Manage shifts
Manage shift offers
Manage availability and unavailability
Manage availability
Manage unavailability
Manage recurring availability
Sync app data when logging in or reconnecting to the internet
Manage location tracking
Send and receive messages in the Skedulo Plus app
Rate the app and provide feedback
Submit a support request
Errors and troubleshooting
Retrieve your team name
Troubleshoot the Skedulo Plus mobile app
Skedulo Plus Product Extensions
Introduction to Skedulo Plus product extensions
Install a Skedulo Plus product extension
Skedulo Plus product extension - Create new job
Skedulo Plus product extension - Create follow-up job
Skedulo Plus product extension - Self-scheduling
Skedulo Plus product extension - Reschedule a job
Skedulo extensions
Teams and Crews (Beta)
Introduction to Teams and Crews
Create, edit, and delete teams
Configure the team's availability
Manage team membership
Allocate a team to a work item
Allocate work from the Team Schedule
Optimize schedules for Teams and Crews
Virtual meetings
Introduction to the Virtual meetings extension
Configure the Virtual meetings extension
Add virtual meetings to work
Recurring activities
Introduction to Recurring activities
Get started with Recurring activities
View Recurring activities
Create a Recurring activity
Manage Recurring activities
Help and support
Access help and support via web app
Grant login access to a Skedulo agent via Salesforce
Support requests
Technical support plans and SLAs
Errors and troubleshooting
In Skedulo Pulse Platform
Notification failures
Invalid request error - ip restricted
Access denied error - session expired or invalid
Houston we have a problem
Insufficient permission to access the web app
API Reference Guide
Virtual meetings
Custom fields
Data Access
Recurring schedules
Resource tracking
Schedule management
Rule violations (conflicts)
Change history
Triggered actions
Object reference guide
Primitive data types
Field types
System Fields
Custom objects
Standard objects reference documentation
Skedulo Documentation
Developer documentation
Getting started with Skedulo
Deskless Productivity Cloud fundamentals
Skedulo concepts
The Skedulo core data model
Authentication and authorization
Authentication for Skedulo
Authentication requirements and API tokens
Skedulo API user
Authentication for Skedulo for Salesforce
User permissions in Skedulo for Salesforce
Skedulo for Salesforce permission sets
Skedulo permissions and access control (deprecated)
Object and field permissions (deprecated)
Role-based permissions (deprecated)
Insufficient access (deprecated)
Use the Skedulo REST API
Use GraphQL
Get started with GraphQL
Install the GraphiQL web extension
Query the GraphQL schema
Perform multiple related mutations using GraphQL aliases
Make changes to the data records using GraphQL mutations
Use pagination to access all GraphQL query results
Subscribe to Skedulo objects
Upsert records with GraphQL
Manage and schedule work
Create and configure work
Job lifecycle
Job start and end times
Job time constraints
Create a new job or activity with pre-filled data
Manage resource availability
Use tags
Use tags for resources and jobs
Add Contact tags to Accounts using GraphQL
Add Resource tags to Jobs using GraphQL
Manage scheduling rules and exceptions
Manage scheduling rules and conflicts on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Schedule rules and violations (conflicts)
Manually run a job to evaluate pre-existing schedules
Integrate with the Rules service
Implement custom schedule rules
Implement fatigue and time-interval-based rules
Understand the Insufficient travel time rule
Optimize schedules
Get started with optimization
Create a scheduled optimization
Create an optimization extension
Optimize vs Suggest
Suggest: Resources and times for a job
Suggest: Times to schedule a job
Optimized scheduling using the Skedulo API
Use and manage location information
Using the Geoservices API
Calculate distance and travel time
Calculate the travel time and distance between multiple locations
Estimate the distance and travel time between locations on a route
Estimate travel times between work items (deprecated)
Address geocoding and autocompletion
Generate a session ID for geoservices requests
Get a location's Place ID
Get a location's details
Get a location's geographic co-ordinates
Get a location's timezone
Geolocation field type and distance comparison
Errors and troubleshooting
Skedulo CLI
Introduction to the Skedulo CLI
Install the Skedulo CLI
Authenticate with the Skedulo CLI
Work with artifacts
Work with objects and fields
Work with packages
Artifact availability
Help and troubleshooting
Command Reference
sked artifacts
sked tenant
sked function
sked web-extension
sked package
Customize and extend Skedulo web app
Create and customize objects, and fields
Introduction to custom objects and fields in Skedulo
Create custom objects and fields in the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Create custom objects and fields with the Skedulo API
Create custom objects and fields in the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Use GraphQL to query custom objects and fields
Understand the Lookup and Has many custom field types
Customize and modify Skedulo picklist values
Overview of Skedulo picklists
Modify picklist items and field dependencies
Create and map custom objects in Salesforce
Create custom objects in Salesforce
Add custom fields to your custom object in Salesforce
Map custom objects and fields
Create and customize pages
Introduction to pages
Manage pages
Create pages
Customize pages
Error codes
Override system-generated pages
Create an object and add custom fields
Configure the navigation menu
Override the default Create record page
Override the default View record page
Override the default Edit record page
Edit the default columns
Edit the column templates
Override the default List view page
Create and customize list views
Use list views
Sort list views
Filter list views
List view columns
Configure default columns for list views
Save and share list views
Advanced column configuration for list views
Customize list views
Use the Skedulo Software Development Kit (SDK)
Install and set up Skedulo Packages SDK
Skedulo web extensions
Build and deploy a standalone web page (formerly known as Connected Pages)
Build and deploy embedded web extensions
Build and deploy multiple pages as a package
Web extensions API services
Developing web extensions with the CLI
Customize and extend Skedulo mobile apps
Skedulo Plus extensions
Introduction to Skedulo Plus extensions
Get started with Skedulo Plus extensions
Get started with Skedulo Plus extensions
Set Skedulo Plus extension context and metadata
Change the extension title and summary
Create forms that only work when users are online
Use the Skedulo CLI to upload and manage your Skedulo Plus extension
Skedulo Plus extensions validation rules
Render content dynamically in mobile extensions
Skedulo Plus extension files and data
Skedulo Plus extension definition file structure
Metadata for Skedulo Plus extensions
Use GraphQL to fetch instance data
Fetch static data
Resource localization
Skedulo Plus extensions component library
Skedulo Plus extension components overview
Page types
Mobile extensions page type definition
List pages
Page components
List page components
Flat page components
Flat page components
Text editor
Text view
Select editor
Date and time picker
Menu list
ReadOnly text
Address editor
Skedulo v2 mobile extension
Skedulo v2 mobile app extensions for custom forms
Build and deploy Skedulo v2 mobile app extensions
Integration and automation
API Overview
Skedulo REST API
Use GraphQL
Valid Date and DateTime formats
Make API calls from Salesforce
Make generic Skedulo API requests using Salesforce
Make Skedulo API Notification requests using Salesforce
Automate responses to changes using webhooks and triggered actions
Overview of triggered actions and webhooks
Error handling and debugging triggered actions and webhooks
Use webhooks
Create a webhook
Schedule or defer a webhook
Manage incoming SMS with webhooks
Use triggered actions
Introduction to triggered actions
Create a triggered action for modified objects
Update a triggered action
Delete a triggered action
Extend Skedulo functionality with functions
Introduction to custom functions
Develop a function
Extend Skedulo functionality with custom functions
Develop and deploy custom code using connected functions and the SDK
Errors and troubleshooting
Manage and control access
Control access to application functionality
Provision user accounts via the API
Deprecated: Use provisioning to create multiple user accounts
Create and use record access policies
Understand record access policy rules
Manage record access policies via the API
How Record access policies control data access
Best practices: Create record access policies and rules
Create and manage deployments
Create and deploy packages with the SDK
Get started with Skedulo packages
Overview of package components
Create libraries with the SDK
Get started with libraries
Introduction to Skedulo libraries
Use shared components library
Skedulo system status
User guides
Getting started
Getting started with Skedulo platform
Install and setup for Skedulo Pulse Platform
Set up and verify account and team
Confirm web browser compatibility
Complete onboarding wizard
Log into the Skedulo Web App (for Skedulo Pulse Platform customers)
Manage resources and assets in the Skedulo web app
Manage resources
Create new resources
Use resource tags
Manage assets
User settings
Customize scheduling workflow
Getting started with Skedulo for Salesforce
Install and setup for Skedulo for Salesforce
Install and configure the onboarding wizard
Log into the Skedulo web app using Salesforce username
Open In Salesforceâ„¢ from within Skedulo web app
Manage regions in Skedulo for Salesforce
Create regions
Manage users in Skedulo for Salesforce
Manage user types
Grant Salesforce user a Skedulo license
Create and edit Salesforce users
Manage user permissions
Add or change a profile image
Deactivate users
Manage resources and assets in Skedulo for Salesforce
Add new resources in Skedulo for Salesforce
Manage resource category
Manage tags (skills)
Enable and manage job products
Quickstart tutorials
Quick-start 1 - The onboarding wizard
Quick-start 2 - Set up resources
Quick-start 3 - Create jobs
Quick-start 4 - Dispatch jobs
Create and edit work
Create and manage work
Create and manage work in the Skedulo web app
View work
Use the Schedule Calendar view
Use the Work console
Create work
Create a new job type
Create and update work
Use quick job create
Use work cards
View and manage work details
Job details - old version
View, add, and delete attachments
Work custom fields
Apply time constraints to work items
View work status
Manage resource requirements
Allocate and dispatch work
Allocate work
Dispatch work
Manage job dependencies
Schedule and manage work offers
Complete, cancel, or reshedule work
Cancel or reschedule a job
Manually complete a job
Restore a canceled job
Create and manage work in Skedulo for Salesforce
Create a new job type in Skedulo for Salesforce
Add custom fields to jobs
Create and edit shifts
Create and edit shifts in the Skedulo web app
Create and edit shifts
Display shifts in swimlane views
Create and manage shift offers
Define resource working hours
Create and edit activities
Create and edit activities in the Skedulo web app
Use activities console
Create and manage activities
Manage scheduling and availability
Manage availability and unavailability
Manage availability and unavailability in the Skedulo web app
Access availability console
Request availability
Use availability patterns
Manage availability
Use Availability templates
Manage unavailability
Manage availability and unavailability in Skedulo for Salesforce
Manage availability and unavailability types
Create a holiday record
View and manage resource availability
Create and view schedules
View schedules
Configure user preferences
Scheduling console
Status panel
Horizontal swimlanes
Vertical swimlanes
Map view
Create schedules
Deallocate and unschedule
Multiple regions
Use search and filters
Filter bar
Global search bar
Create and manage recurring schedules
Create recurring schedules
View recurring schedules
Manage recurring schedules
Optimization of schedule
Manage and use route optimization
Optimize schedules
Set working hour limits for resources
Optimization recipes
Introduction to optimization recipes
Objective: Minimize disruption
Objective: Balanced workload
Objective: Travel time
Objective: Minimize resources
Objective: Work priority
Objective: Soft skills
Create optimization recipes
Best practices for optimization recipes
Scheduled optimization
One-off optimization (Swimlane view)
One-off optimization (Vertical swimlane)
One-off optimization (Map view)
One-off optimization (Schedule calendar view)
Background tasks
Travel time and route optimization
Optimization results
Optimization history
Optimization extensions
Optimization extension overview
Optimization extension - The Flexible Scheduler
Optimization extension - The Routine Keeper
Optimization extension - The Date Guardrail
Use Suggest feature
Manage schedule conflicts and exceptions
Schedule conflict alerts in the web app
Manage schedule conflicts with the Rules service on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
View schedule rule conflicts on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Manage schedule rule conflicts on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Frequently asked questions: Schedule rules and conflicts
Troubleshooting schedule rules and conflicts
Manage exceptions with the Exceptions service (Closed beta)
Schedule work with the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Introduction to the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Schedule work with the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Get to know the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Customize the swimlane views
Schedule work in the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Schedule work with the Pulse Scheduling Experience Work list
Get to know the Pulse Scheduling Experience Work list
Configure Work list views
Use the Work list
Duplicate work in the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Move work in the schedule
Use scheduling actions in the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Use the Context panel in the Pulse Scheduling Experience
Administer and configure
Administer and configure Skedulo web app
Configure users and preferences
Manage users
View and configure general settings
View and configure preferences
Configure social integrations
Enable notifications
Configure the navigation menu
Configure the tabs on web-app pages
Reroute standard Skedulo URLs with page overrides
Create, configure, and manage users (deprecated)
Create and customize work
Customize scheduling workflow
Customize offer workflow
Configure scheduling rules
Create job templates
Create and manage data objects on the Skedulo Pulse Platform
Manage custom fields
Manage picklists
View and customize tables
Change work card appearance
Customize schedule cards in the Pulse Scheduling Experience swimlane
Understand job start and end times calculations
Configure Optimization and Suggest
Configure notifications and messaging
Enable and view notifications
Configure and customize push and SMS notifications
Numbers for SMS delivery
View and edit teams
View change history
Extend Skedulo with extensions
View authentication information
Define API user
Create API tokens with developer tools
Create a service user
Manage web extensions
Create and manage web extensions
Manage mobile extensions
Configure Skedulo Plus mobile extension metadata
Enable beta features
Manage configuration variables
Manage packages (Beta)
Permissions and data access control
User roles and permissions
Standard roles
Functional permissions and custom roles
Create custom roles for functional permissions
Manage user roles
Permission dependencies
Use record access policies to control data access
Record access policies
Manage record access policies
Manage record access policy rules
Record access policy templates
Role-based customization of the navigation menu
Administer and configure Skedulo for Salesforce
Change inactivity session timeout
Manage Salesforce account and location resource scores
Turn on Salesforce event synchronization
Enable GraphQL subscriptions for job and allocation updates
Enable Auto-update Geolocation
Configure and manage geolocation of job allocation status change
View and upgrade Skedulo Managed Packages
Skedulo Managed Package Object Chart
Estimate job allocation object travel time and distance
Delink a user from resource record to prevent the deletion of allocated jobs
Configure and view promoted custom field
How to grant enhanced permissions for Salesforce community users
Configure a Skedulo API token in Salesforce
Enable object permissions in Skedulo permission sets
Create and customize fields
Create custom fields
Configure and view promoted custom field
Errors and troubleshooting
OAuth errors
Invalid request error - ip restricted
Access denied error - Session expired or invalid
Houston we have a problem
Administer and configure the Skedulo mobile app
Configure Account field visibility for the Skedulo v2 mobile app
Set up and manage location tracking
Customize Skedulo v2 mobile app settings